
Showing posts from April, 2010

[Deployer:149164]The domain edit lock is owned by another session in exclusive mode - hence this deployment operation cannot proceed.

I faced the problem server giving me error "[Deployer:149164]The domain edit lock is owned by another session in exclusive mode - hence this deployment operation cannot proceed ." when I tried to redeploy the application on intergrated weblogic server of Oracle JDeveloper 11. I could not solved this issue even I restarted my computer. anyhow it is solved let me explain the steps which I did for it . 1. go to admin console of weblogic on my integrated weblogic the address were 2. login to server console by using defaul user name password which would be username:"weblogic" and password :"weblogic1". 3. on successful login check the button on your upper left corner where you can activate pending changes or discard pending changes. click on that button. issue would be solved. Regards.