ERROR: No j2ee modules detected in EAR archive. Deployment aborted. == (oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.VetoableDeployException)

When I was deploying application to EAR file I was keep receiving error message from my Jdeveloper that "ERROR: No j2ee modules detected in EAR archive. Deployment aborted. == (oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.VetoableDeployException)"
I am having two projects in my application
1. Model (Having ejbs)
2. ViewController
To resolve this issue, go to application properties and select Deployment
Edit your deployment profile

Select EE modules to include in ear file
Doing this solved my issue.


  1. Hello Hashmi, thanks for your usefull tip.
    I'm trying to deploy a web application, seen on this tutorial:
    but I'm getting the ERROR: No Java EE modules detected in EAR archive. I have searched for a solution to this problem and I found your solution, to select JEE module in the Deployment Profile/ Application Assembly, but in my case when I expand my .jpr file no module with check box appears. There is any workaround to this problem?


  2. this really work and helped me, thank you!!


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